Safety Lids can be used with the tread plate decking or on their own over an open grave. They can be solid aluminium or mesh. The lid can be made to sit flush with the decking or with a sloping edge. They can be lockable and attach to the shoring or decking.
The checker plate decking ensures that the grave surrounds are stable and safe. The standard width is 400mm and is made up of 4 panels which bolt together. We can supply a bar which enables only 3 sides of the decking to be used for use in monument areas or when space is restricted.
The middle safety lid (see below) was made for a cemetery where they needed to bury a baby coffin in a standard grave. There was a safety hazard whereby the person lowering the coffin into the grave had to straddle the grave and therefore was at risk. The lid is strong enough for one person to stand on it to perform the burial.
Applications are now available for grants for Safety Lids from the Department of Health, Victoria.
See: In the Quick Links is a page for Cemetery Grants
Or email:Cemeteries&Crematoria(at)
Or phone: 1800 034 280 / (03) 9096 5160